Antenna Experts an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems (QMS) certified company manufactures Antennas System for SIGINT, EW, UAV, SCADA, TETRA, CNI, ATC, SATCOM, DME, RCIED Jamming, Surveillance, Broadcast, Radio Relay, Energy, Oil Field, Smart Grid and Agriculture applications World Highest Performance Wideband Antennas for 100% Connectivity & Reliability Our portfolio includes FTS antenna ILS antenna DME Antenna ADS-B Antenna dual polarized log periodic antenna, ultra wide band coaxial dipole, multi band antenna, aviation band antenna, fiberglass collinear antenna, HF broadband multi wire antenna, defense antenna, tactical radio relay antenna, HF broadband vertical conical monopole, marine band antenna, shipboard antenna, HF broadband dipole antenna, FM band antenna, ultra wide band discone antenna, terrestrial microwave antenna, DME antenna, transponder antenna, grid parabolic antenna, stacked dipole array, log periodic dipole array, directional yagi antenna, satellite tracking earth station antenna, jammer antenna, side mount dipole, LHCP RHCP helical antenna, circular polarized antenna, spiral antenna, dual stacked array, quad stacked array, broadband ground plane antenna and wide band vehicle mount antenna Antenna Experts an ISO/OHSAS 18001:2007 Safety Management Systems (SMS) certified company manufactures Antennas System for SIGINT, EW, UAV, SCADA, TETRA, CNI, ATC, ILS, FTS, ADS-B, SATCOM, DME, RCIED Jamming, Surveillance, Broadcast, Radio Relay, Energy, Oil Field, Smart Grid and Agriculture applications

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Antenna Experts an ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems (EMS) certified company manufactures Antennas System for SIGINT, EW, UAV, SCADA, TETRA, CNI, ATC, ILS, FTS, ADS-B, SATCOM, DME, RCIED Jamming, Surveillance, Broadcast, Radio Relay, Energy, Oil Field, Smart Grid and Agriculture applications
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HF Broadband Conical Monopole Antenna
HF Broadband Conical Monopole Antenna

 # Model Frequency Bandwidth Gain Download ENQ
1. HFCM-10-30 10-30 MHz 10-30 MHz 5 dBi
2. HFCM-4-24 4-24 MHz 4-24 MHz 5 dBi
3. HFCM-4-30 4-30 MHz 4-30 MHz 5 dBi
4. HFCM-5-30 5-30 MHz 5 - 30 MHz 5 dBi
5. HFCM-6-30 6-30 MHz 6-30 MHz 5 dBi
6. HFCM-8-30 8-30 MHz 8-30 MHz 5 dBi

The HFCM series conical monopole antennas are an excellent choice for omnidirectional HF communications where both ground wave and sky wave coverage are required. The electrical performance of HFCM series HF conical monopole antenna is nearly similar to the theoretical performance. Due to its large diameter/height ratio the HF vertical conical monopole has excellent VSWR and pattern performance over a very wide frequency range, as compared to other conical monopoles manufacturers. All version of HF vertical conical monopoles antenna operates at full efficiency over the specified HF bands.

The true wideband capabilities of the HF conical monopoles are achieved with full radiation efficiency. The HFCM series HF conical monopoles antenna uses no tuners, no special coupling units, no terminations, no resistors to achieve its high bandwidth, nor does these uses any techniques or devices to couple RF energy to the ground, an approach sometimes used to increase bandwidth (at the expense of efficiency). The HFCM series HF vertical conical monopoles are the simplest and safest antennas to erect in its class. The structure of HF conical monopoles above 10 MHz is fully stable during the rigging sequence, without the need for temporary guys. Once erected, all the HFCM HF monopoles antennas have outstanding structural rigidity, troublesome deflections and mechanical oscillations do not occur.

All HFCM series HF conical monopole antennas uses high quality, exhaustively tested components and materials. All radiators are of Alumoweld, a wire composed of a high-strength steel core and a highly conductive, corrosion-resistant coating of aluminum. All insulators are made of high-strength DELRIN, a material with an extremely low loss tangent that is virtually impervious to the effects of UV and salt spray. All nuts, bolts, split washers and fasteners are made of marine grade stainless steel. Dissimilar metal contacts are avoided to the extent possible, and where they are used, measures are taken to prevent corrosion.

A working life of 20 years or more is standard with the HFCM series HF vertical conical monopole antennas. All the HF conical monopoles antennas are supplied in kit form dismantle condition with all required materials including the mast, guys, curtain, ground screen (earth mat) and foundation hardware.

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Side Mount Dipole
Ground Plane Antenna
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